Have we Created a Buzz at your Local?
I'd say so!!!
Our pilot activation took place at the Spotted Cow in Bristol.
On the 25th March 2024 we sowed a mix of wildflower seeds including; Yarrow, Bird’s Foot Trefoil, Musk Mallow, Oxeye Daisy, Wild Marjoram, Common Knapweed, Red Campion, Wild Carrot, Poppy, Cornflower and Corncockle.
Below is a selection of photos showing the space over time and how it's transitioned throughout the summer.
The Sow date.. this one showing the essential chicken wire protection we put up to help the seeds germinate without being stamped on!
Some early seedlings beginning to sprout!
Marigold seedlings beginning to mature!
The Marigolds flowered and the pollinators arrived with a buzz!!!!
The Wild Clary also flowered..
The Marigolds are by far the tallest, but the others are beginning to creep up!
The Corn Daisies are all systems go!
The Mallow are soaking up the suns rays in preparation!
The Mallow Flowered!!
The Yarrow started doing it's thing...
The Yarrow Flowered!!!
The Daisies went to seed...
And the top end of the bed is looking super busy, ready for a late boom maybe...?
More to follow soon!!!